SQE Study Notes for Substantive Law (Book 1) and Procedural Law (Book 2) are here!
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Both books cover the SQE syllabus in its entirety to create a set of expertly written revision notes that take the monster sized SQE syllabus and condense them into two handy A5 volumes that will save students time and stress. SQE Study Notes will help students learn the law they need to know to pass both SQE1 and SQE2.
Revision Killer’s rationale for dividing the FLK1 and FLK2 subjects into separate substantive and procedural law books is to help bring focus and synergy to differing subject areas that have been intermingled within the SQE assessments.
It is important, therefore, that the students appreciate the distinction between the two books are as follows:
SQE1 Substantive Law: is concerned with the fundamental legal rules, rights and principles that have their origin in common law, statute and treaties in the core subject areas. These are the foundation law subjects (traditionally taught on a Law degree or Graduate Diploma in Law). SQE subjects covered by Book 1 include: Contract, Tort, Legal Systems/Public/EU, Trusts, Land and Criminal
SQE1 Procedural Law: are the key steps, processes and practices in the implementation of legal rights and outcomes, whether they be contentious or non-contentious. These are the procedural practice areas necessary to become a legal practitioner (previously taught on the Legal Practice Course). SQE subjects covered by Book 2 include: Business Law and Practice, Dispute Resolution, Wills and the Administration of Estates, Criminal Practice, Legal Services, Tax, Ethics and Professional Conduct, Solicitors Accounts
SQE 1 & 2 assesses both these areas of law in the context of realistic client-based problems at the level of a competent newly qualified solicitor in practice.
SQE1 Substantive Law and SQE1 Procedural Law strictly adhere to the FLK1 and FLK2 syllabus as published by the SRA and Kaplan (subject to any changes announced in the annual review). There is no additional or unnecessary material to distract a student from the SQE assessment objectives. These are not rehashed law revision notes but have been painstakingly created from scratch to follow the SQE syllabus striking the right balance between the SQE assessment objectives and the detail required to pass the SQE.
Sample pages from both Books are available on the website under the 'ABOUT - Preview' section.